Highest-Rated Movies about 'Mountain Man', Sort by Popularity

Jeremiah Johnson (1972), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954), The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009), Black Sheep (1996), Barquero (1970), Without a Paddle (2004), Grizzly Mountain (1997), One-Eyed Monster (2008) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Mountain Man movies.

#1. Jeremiah Johnson (1972)

Storyline: During the mid-nineteenth century, Jeremiah Johnson, after a stint in the US Army, decides that he would prefer a life of solitude and more importantly peace by living with nature in the mountains of the frontier of the American west. This plan entails finding a piece of land upon which to build a house. This quest ends up being not quite what he envisioned as he does require the assistance of others to find his footing, and in turn he amasses friends and acquaintances along the way, some who become more a part of his life than he would have imagined. Perhaps most importantly, some of those people provide him with the knowledge of how to co-exist with some of the many Indian tribes, most importantly the Crow, on whose land in Colorado Jeremiah ultimately decides to build his home. But an act by Jeremiah upon a request by the US Cavalry leads to a chain of events that may forever change the peaceful relationship he worked so hard to achieve with his neighbors and their land.

Plot Keywords: mountain man, native american, chief, settler, soldier, wife, intense ...

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#2. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

Storyline: Adam, the eldest of seven brothers, goes to town to get a wife. He convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home. Only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin. Milly sets out to reform the uncouth siblings, who are anxious to get wives of their own. Then, after reading about the Roman capture of the Sabine women, Adam develops an inspired solution to his brothers' loneliness.

Plot Keywords: woman, brother, mountain man, townsperson, father, love interest, heartwarming ...

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#3. The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009)

Storyline: Shoot-outs, robberies, gas-huffing , drug dealing, pill popping, murders, and tap dancing - what do these all have in common? These are just a few of the parts of being a member of the Wild and Wonderful White Family. The legendary family is as known for their wild, excessive criminal ways as they are for their famous mountain dancing members, including Jesco White, the star of the cult classic documentary "Dancing Outlaw." Exploring both the comic and tragic sides of life on the other side of the law, this stylish, fast-paced family portrait exposes the powerful forces of corruption, poverty, and West Virginia's environmentally and culturally devastating coal mining culture that helped shape the White family, a dying breed of outlaws preserving a dying form of dance.—Anonymous

Plot Keywords: mountain man, criminal, redneck, mother, brother, sister, bleak ...

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#4. Black Sheep (1996)

Storyline: Comedy about the prospective Washington State Governor Al Donnelly whose only stumbling block on the road to power is his embarrassing younger brother Mike. To keep him out of mischief, Al forces one of his aides, Steve Dodds to keep an eye on him during the election. However, this is easier said than done...

Plot Keywords: governor, gym teacher, political candidate, aide, brother, mountain man, madcap ...

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#5. Barquero (1970)

Storyline: Jake Remy leads a gang of outlaw cutthroats making their escape toward Mexico from a successful robbery. Barring their way is a river--crossable only by means of a ferry barge. The barge operator, Travis, refuses to be bullied into providing transport for the gang and escapes across river with most of the local populace--leaving Remy and his gang behind, desperately seeking a way across. A river-wide stand-off begins between the gang and the townspeople, both groups of which have left people on the wrong side of the river.—Jim Beaver <jumblejim@prodigy.net>

Plot Keywords: mercenary, mountain man, wife, townsperson, gritty, raw, border town ...

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#6. Without a Paddle (2004)

Storyline: Three friends, whose lives have been drifting apart, reunite for the funeral of a fourth childhood friend. When looking through their childhood belongings, they discover a trunk which contained details on a quest their friend was attempting. It revealed that he was hot on the trail of the $200,000 that went missing with airplane hijacker D.B. Cooper in 1971. They decide to continue his journey, but do not understand the dangers they will soon encounter.

Plot Keywords: friend, camper, mountain man, girlfriend, hippie, lighthearted, wild ...

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#8. One-Eyed Monster (2008)

Storyline: Ten people travel into the mountains of Northern California to shoot a porn movie. During a scene break early in filming Ron Jeremy gets hit by a shooting star and in the following scene his penis, now possessed by a sex-hungry alien, detaches itself, leaving Ron for dead. The remaining cast and crew theorize about the murdering penis' vulnerability after climax, 'when it is limp, and at its weakest'. They hatch a plan to lure the penis into a neuro-tactile simulator and then circumcise it with an ax during its 'refractory period'.—kwedgwood@hotmail.com

Plot Keywords: porn star, alien, veteran, crew member, mountain man, cheeky, campy ...

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