Most Similar Movies to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
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Fantastic Four (2015), Fan (2016), Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) ... Let's take a look at the following list...

Fantastic Four (2015)
Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn to harness their new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
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Fan (2016)
Gaurav develops an obsession with a movie star who looks just like him. He goes to Mumbai to meet his idol, but he refuses to grant him five minutes of his time. Gaurav is enraged and plots to destroy his hero.
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series featuring the adventures of Magizoologist Newt Scamander.
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.
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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
An ancient prophecy seems to be coming true when a mysterious presence begins stalking the corridors of a school of magic and leaving its victims paralyzed.
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
It's Harry's (Daniel Radcliffe's) third year at Hogwarts; not only does he have a new "Defense Against the Dark Arts" teacher, Professor Lupin (David Thewlis), but there is also trouble brewing. Convicted murderer Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) has escaped the Wizards' Prison and is coming after Harry.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010)
As Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), and Hermione (Emma Watson) race against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, they uncover the existence of the three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows.
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Stardust (2007)
In a countryside town bordering on a magical land, a young man makes a promise to his beloved that he'll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into the magical realm.
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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
With their warning about Lord Voldemort's (Ralph Fiennes') return scoffed at, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Dumbledore (Sir Michael Gambon) are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.
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The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)
Upon moving into the run-down Spiderwick Estate with their mother, twin brothers Jared and Simon Grace, along with their sister Mallory, find themselves pulled into an alternate world full of faeries and other creatures.
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Aladdin (1992)
A kindhearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true.
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
A reluctant Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with a spirited group of dwarves to reclaim their mountain home, and the gold within it from the dragon Smaug.
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The Last Unicorn (1982)
A brave unicorn and a magician fight an evil King who is obsessed with attempting to capture the world's unicorns.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)
Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts.
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Four kids travel through a wardrobe to the land of Narnia and learn of their destiny to free it with the guidance of a mystical lion.
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Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)
A frustrated circus magician from Kansas is transported to a magical land called Oz, where he will have to fulfill a prophecy to become the king, and release the land from the Wicked Witches using his great (but fake) powers.
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010)
Lucy and Edmund Pevensie return to Narnia with their cousin Eustace where they meet up with Prince Caspian for a trip across the sea aboard the royal ship The Dawn Treader. Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world.
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The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)
Master sorcerer Balthazar Blake must find and train Merlin's descendant to defeat dark sorceress Morgana la Fée.
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