Last Hours in Suburbia (2012)

Last Hours in Suburbia (2012)

  • 2.4
  • 86 mins
  • Mystery, Thriller


Grace (Kelcie Stranahan) cannot remember the night her friend Jennifer (Maiara Walsh) died in a car accident. She is about to go to jail for a crime she may not have committed, and she decides to retrace her steps from that night to jog her memory. Jennifer's spirit pushes Grace to the edge and forces her to remember what she has tried to forget. Together they navigate ex-boyfriends, parents and foes as they search for hope for Grace's future.

Short Review

Very interesting concept with competent acting chops from the stars of the film. The execution, however, is fairly average, but for a television film it's a satisfying attempt. Would hope an aspiring filmmaker stumbles upon this one and keeps the idea in their back pocket to possibly some day release it to a grander audience. With strong attempts to improve the idea into their own vision.
