The House Where Evil Dwells (1982)

The House Where Evil Dwells (1982)

  • 4.5
  • 88 mins
  • Horror


In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.—Brian J. Wright

Short Review

An American family moves into a haunted house in Kyoto Japan. "The Grudge" this film is not. The film features corny samurai and geisha ghosts terrifying the hapless family as they try to figure out how to appease the angry spirits (the wife ghost was killed along with her lover by her cruel husband who then killed himself after the double murder). Don't bother with this one.
