Highest-Rated Movies about 'Solemn', Sort by Popularity

Amanda (2018), S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine (2003), The Burmese Harp (1956), God's Country (1985), Eboli (1979), Insyriated (2017), Times and Winds (2006), Neshoba: The Price of Freedom (2008) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Solemn movies.

#16. Memories of Murder (2003)

Storyline: In 1986, in the province of Gyunggi, in South Korea, a second young and beautiful woman is found dead, raped and tied and gagged with her underwear. Detective Park Doo-Man and Detective Cho Yong-koo, two brutal and stupid local detectives without any technique, investigate the murder using brutality and torturing the suspects, without any practical result. The Detective Seo Tae-Yoon from Seoul comes to the country to help the investigations and is convinced that a serial-killer is killing the women. When a third woman is found dead in the same "modus-operandi", the detectives find leads of the assassin.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Plot Keywords: rapist, serial killer, police detective, mentally challenged, suspect, dark, solemn ...

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#17. The Sacrifice (1986)

Storyline: Alexander, a journalist and former actor and philosopher, tells his little son how worried he is about the lack of spirituality of modern mankind. In the night of his birthday, the third world war breaks out. In his despair Alexander turns himself in a prayer to God, offering him everything to have the war not happen at all.

Plot Keywords: son, wife, father, mail carrier, middle-aged man, boy, somber ...

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#18. An Autumn Afternoon (1962)

Storyline: In the early 60's in Tokyo, the widower Hirayama is a former captain from the Japanese navy that works as a manager of a factory and lives with his twenty-four year-old daughter Michiko and his son Kazuo in his house. His older son Koichi is married with Akiko that are compulsive consumers and Akiko financially controls their expenses. Hirayama frequently meets his old friends Kawai and Professor Horie, who is married with a younger wife, to drink in a bar. When their school teacher Sakuma comes to a reunion of Hirayama with old school mates, they learn that the old man lives with his daughter that stayed single to take care of him. Michiko lives a happy life with her father and her brother, but Hirayama feels that it is time to let her go and tries to arrange a marriage for her.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Plot Keywords: widower, son, daughter, teen boy, suitor, fiancé, amusing ...

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#20. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003)

Storyline: In the midst of the Korean wilderness, a Buddhist master patiently raises a young boy to grow up in wisdom and compassion, through experience and endless exercises. Once the pupil discovers his sexual lust, he seems lost to contemplative life and follows his first love, but soon fails to adapt to the modern world, gets in jail for a crime of passion and returns to the master in search of spiritual redemption and reconciliation with karma, at a high price of physical catharsis...

Plot Keywords: monk, woman, mentor, boy, emotional, engaging, moving ...

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#24. The Mother (2003)

Storyline: May (Anne Reid) is a middle-aged grandmother who lives in Northern England with her husband, Toots (Peter Vaughan). When Toots dies while the couple is visiting their children in London, May begins to feel a sense of isolation and falls into a deep depression. Needing something new and vital to cling to, May takes refuge in the arms of Darren (Daniel Craig), a burly handyman who is not only half her age and married, but also sleeping with her daughter, Paula (Cathryn Bradshaw).

Plot Keywords: grandmother, daughter, son, handyman, lover, wife, solemn ...

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#25. Never Look Away (2018)

Storyline: Young artist Kurt Barnert (Tom Schilling) has fled to West-Germany, but he continues to be tormented by the experiences he made in his childhood and youth in the Nazi years and during the GDR-regime. When he meets the student Ellie (Paula Beer), he is convinced that he has met the love of his life and begins to create paintings that mirror not only his own fate, but also the traumas of an entire generation.—Wiedemann & Berg Film

Plot Keywords: artist, doctor, mental patient, fugitive, professor, art student, touching ...

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#26. Worlds Apart (2008)

Storyline: Sara (Rosalinde Mynster) is a teenage girl who becomes disillusioned with her Jehovah's Witness upbringing when her parents split up after her father, Andreas (Jens Jørn Spottag), admits to cheating on her mother. Things get even more complicated when an attractive youth named Teis (Pilou Asbæk) pursues a romance with Sara. She soon falls in love with Teis, but he does not share her faith, which leads to tension between Sara, her family and the young man she wants to spend her life with.

Plot Keywords: young girl, love interest, father, mother, pastor, solemn, touching ...

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#27. The Caine Mutiny (1954)

Storyline: During the World War II, the crew of a small insignificant ship in the U.S. Pacific Fleet experience an event unlike any event ever experienced by the United States Navy. A Ship's Captain is removed from command by his Executive Officer in an apparent outright act of mutiny. As the trial of the mutineers unfold, it is learned that the Captain of the ship was mentally unstable, perhaps even insane. The Navy must decide if the Caine Mutiny was a criminal act, or an act of courage to save a ship from destruction at the hands of her Captain?

Plot Keywords: captain, ensign, lawyer, solemn, gripping, thrilling, ship ...

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#28. Sorry We Missed You (2019)

Storyline: Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self employed delivery driver. It's hard work, and his wife's job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.

Plot Keywords: entrepreneur, employee, father, wife, husband, mother, child ...

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#29. The Nun's Story (1959)

Storyline: In 1930, in Belgium, Gabrielle van der Mal is the stubborn daughter of the prominent surgeon Dr. Hubert van der Mal that decides to leave her the upper-class family to enter to a convent, expecting to work as nun in Congo with tropical diseases. She says good-bye to her sisters Louise and Marie; to her brother Pierre; and to her beloved father, and subjects herself to the stringent rules of the retrograde institution, including interior silent and excessive humbleness and humiliation. After a long period working in a mental institution, Gaby is finally assigned to go to Congo, where she works with the Atheist and cynical, but brilliant, Dr. Fortunati. Sister Luke proves to be very efficient nurse and assistant, and Dr. Fortunati miraculous heals her tuberculosis. Years later, she is ordered to return to Belgium and when her motherland is invaded by the Germans, she learns that her beloved father was murdered by the enemy while he was helping wounded members of the resistance. Sister Luke finally decides to leave the religious life since she is not able to feel neutral against the invaders of her country.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Plot Keywords: nun, doctor, mother superior, mental patient, solemn, emotional, melodramatic ...

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#30. Pray the Devil Back to Hell (2008)

Storyline: A civil war had been raging for years between the dictatorship of the Liberian president and the rebels who called themselves the LURD. The LURD wanted to overthrow the government. They terrorized the people in the country through killings, rapes, dismemberment and destruction. They were becoming more powerful as they closed in on the capital city, Monrovia. One unlikely heroine is inspired by a dream to bring Christian women together to start a peace movement. She begins within her own church and asks that all women from all churches are brought together. At one meeting, a Muslim woman goes up to the podium to address the church and tells them that she is moved by what they were doing and that Muslim women need to be brought into the Peace Movement. This was a cause that transcended all differences. With this extraordinary mission, the women dressed in plain white clothes and covered their heads, as a way to shed any differences of class or religion among them. They decide to make peace signs and sit in at the fish market where the Liberian president drove past every morning. He refuses to acknowledge them for weeks. The women finally get to present their mission statement to the president, as well as demand peace talks between the government and the rebels. The women do not just hand things over to the men, however. When the peace talks finally come to fruition, a delegate group goes to Ghana to ensure that a resolution is made. The first two weeks no progress is made. The rebel warlords are just demanding future positions in the government and access to the country's resources. The Liberian president had already fled back to Liberia when Sierra Leone tries to indict him for war crimes. The women's growing anger and frustration lead them to stage a sit in. They block all the doors and windows preventing anyone from leaving the peace talks without a resolution. Trapped with no food and water, the talks turn serious. Finally, a resolution is signed. The UN peacekeepers move in and the Liberian president is exiled to Nigeria. The women understood that they could not rely on anyone else to make sure that the resolutions are implemented. They also realize, seeing the UN only creating chaos, that to ensure full disarmament in the country, they would need to step in, forgive their perpetrators, and convince each one of them that they would be accepted back into the community. The truly final mission for the women was to ensure a democratic election and elect a woman into the office of the presidency. The power of the women prevails. The first female president is elected. The women can finally go home. Mission accomplished. Peace reigns in Liberia.—ley-moon

Plot Keywords: mother, protester, dictator, soldier, woman, president, uplifting ...

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