Highest-Rated Movies about 'Premonition'

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003), The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980), The Shining (1980), The Virgin Spring (1960), Throne of Blood (1957), Arrival (2016), The Last Samurai (2003) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Premonition movies.

#1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Storyline: The final confrontation between the forces of good and evil fighting for control of the future of Middle-earth. Frodo and Sam reach Mordor in their quest to destroy the One Ring, while Aragorn leads the forces of good against Sauron's evil army at the stone city of Minas Tirith.

Plot Keywords: epic, battle, journey, volcanic eruption, curse, wizard, good versus evil ...

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#2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

Storyline: An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist of fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it. However, he does not go alone. He is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir, and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin, and Samwise. Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign.

Plot Keywords: ring, quest, elf, sword and sorcery, based on novel, wizard, saving the world ...

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#3. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Storyline: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca face attack by the Imperial forces and its AT-AT walkers on the ice planet Hoth. While Han and Leia escape in the Millennium Falcon, Luke travels to Dagobah in search of Yoda. Only with the Jedi Master's help will Luke survive when the Dark Side of the Force beckons him into the ultimate duel with Darth Vader.

Plot Keywords: rescue, part of trilogy, duel, sword fight, space opera, bounty hunter, good versus evil ...

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#4. The Shining (1980)

Storyline: Signing a contract, Jack Torrance, a normal writer and former teacher agrees to take care of a hotel which has a long, violent past that puts everyone in the hotel in a nervous situation. While Jack slowly gets more violent and angry of his life, his son, Danny, tries to use a special talent, the "Shining", to inform the people outside about whatever that is going on in the hotel.

Plot Keywords: labyrinth, identical twins, hotel, breaking down a door, snow, typewriter, based on the works of stephen king ...

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#5. The Virgin Spring (1960)

Storyline: Set in beautiful 14th century Sweden, it is the sombre, powerful fable of wealthy land-owning parents whose daughter, a young virgin, is brutally raped and murdered by goat herders after her half sister has invoked a pagan curse. By a bizarre twist of fate, the murderers ask for food and shelter from the dead girl's parents, who, discovering the truth about their erstwhile lodgers, exact a chilling revenge.

Plot Keywords: virgin, death of daughter, religious faith, pregnancy, revenge, murder, rape ...

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#6. Throne of Blood (1957)

Storyline: After securing a major victory on the battlefield, Taketoti Washizu and one of his commanders, Yoshiaki Miki, find themselves lost in the maze-like Spider's Web forest. They come across a spirit-like seer who tells them of their future: both have been promoted because of their victory that day; Washizu will someday be the Great Lord of the Spider's Web castle while Miki's son will someday rule as Great Lord as well. When they arrive at the castle, they learn that the first part of the prophecy is correct. Washizu has no desire to become Great Lord but his ambitious wife urges him to reconsider. When the current Great Lord makes a surprise visit to his garrison outpost, Washizu is again promoted to commander of his vanguard but his wife reminds him of the danger that comes with the position. As pressure mounts, Wahizu takes action leading to its inevitable conclusion.

Plot Keywords: horse, deception, tension, rumor, archery, afterlife, patricide ...

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#7. Arrival (2016)

Storyline: Linguistics professor Louise Banks leads an elite team of investigators when gigantic spaceships touchdown in 12 locations around the world. As nations teeter on the verge of global war, Banks and her crew must race against time to find a way to communicate with the extraterrestrial visitors. Hoping to unravel the mystery, she takes a chance that could threaten her life and quite possibly all of mankind.

Plot Keywords: alien contact, nonlinear timeline, female scientist, mother daughter relationship, based on short story, spacecraft, extraterrestrial ...

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#8. The Last Samurai (2003)

Storyline: In the 1870s, Captain Nathan Algren, a cynical veteran of the American Civil war who will work for anyone, is hired by Americans who want lucrative contracts with the Emperor of Japan to train the peasant conscripts for the first standing imperial army in modern warfare using firearms. The imperial Omura cabinet's first priority is to repress a rebellion of traditionalist Samurai -hereditary warriors- who remain devoted to the sacred dynasty but reject the Westernizing policy and even refuse firearms. Yet when his ill-prepared superior force sets out too soon, their panic allows the sword-wielding samurai to crush them. Badly wounded Algren's courageous stand makes the samurai leader Katsumoto spare his life; once nursed to health he learns to know and respect the old Japanese way, and participates as advisor in Katsumoto's failed attempt to save the Bushido tradition, but Omura gets repressive laws enacted- he must now choose to honor his loyalty to one of the embittered sides when ...

Plot Keywords: white savior, japanese, spirituality, prostitute, seppuku, bowing, samurai ...

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#9. X: First Class (2011)

Storyline: Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto's Brotherhood and Professor X's X-MEN.

Plot Keywords: female spy, strip club, stripper, year 1944, year 1962, professor, vigilante ...

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#10. Minority Report (2002)

Storyline: In the year 2054 A.D. crime is virtually eliminated from Washington D.C. thanks to an elite law enforcing squad "Precrime". They use three gifted humans (called "Pre-Cogs") with special powers to see into the future and predict crimes beforehand. John Anderton heads Precrime and believes the system's flawlessness steadfastly. However one day the Pre-Cogs predict that Anderton will commit a murder himself in the next 36 hours. Worse, Anderton doesn't even know the victim. He decides to get to the mystery's core by finding out the 'minority report' which means the prediction of the female Pre-Cog Agatha that "might" tell a different story and prove Anderton innocent.

Plot Keywords: neo noir, conspiracy, rain, futuristic, computer, psychic, washington d.c. ...

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#11. Dead of Night (1945)

Storyline: Architect Walter Craig (Mervyn Johns), seeking the possibility of some work at a country farmhouse, soon finds himself once again stuck in his recurring nightmare. Dreading the end of the dream that he knows is coming, he must first listen to all the assembled guests' own bizarre tales.—Doug Sederberg <vornoff@sonic.net>

Plot Keywords: anthology, evil doll, double decker bus, hearse, ghost child, mirror, ventriloquist ...

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#12. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Storyline: In Coruscant, the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker rescue the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from the Separatist General Grievous' spaceship and Anakin kills Count Dooku with his light-saber after a fight; however Grievous escapes from the Jedi. When they land on Coruscant, Padmé Amidala comes to tell Anakin that she is pregnant. Soon he has premonitions of his wife dying during the delivery. Palpatine requests that Anakin join the Jedi Council against the will of the members but he is not promoted to Master and stays at the rank of Knight; further they ask him to spy on Palpatine. Anakin is manipulated by Palpatine about the true intentions of the Jedi and is tempted to know the dark side of the Force that could be capable of saving Padmé. Further Palpatine discloses that he is Sith Lord Darth Sidious. What will Anakin do?

Plot Keywords: personality change, tragic villain, spaceship, adoption, hologram, wilhelm scream, no opening credits ...

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#13. Source Code (2011)

Storyline: Army Captain Colter Stevens finds himself working on a special program where his consciousness can be inserted into another human being. The only catch is can only be there for 8 minutes at any given time. That morning, a bomb exploded on a commuter train just outside Chicago. He occupies the body of teacher going to work on that train and is confused as to what he is doing or why he is there as his last memory is of flying his helicopter on a combat mission in Afghanistan. Those in charge of the program explain to him that there is a bomb on the train, and that he must locate it. More importantly, he must identify the bomber as another bombing is expected later that day. He is also told however that he cannot change the past and can only gather information. As he develops a liking for his traveling companion Christina, he sets out to test that theory.

Plot Keywords: time loop, train, surprise ending, psycho thriller, suspense, memory, bomber ...

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#14. Take Shelter (2011)

Storyline: Curtis, a father and husband, is starting to experience bad dreams and hallucinations. Assuming mental illness, he seeks medical help and counseling. However, fearing the worst, he starts building an elaborate and expensive storm shelter in their backyard. This storm shelter threatens to tear apart his family, threatens his sanity and his standing in the community, but he builds it to save his family's life.

Plot Keywords: schizophrenia, mental illness, ambiguous ending, mysterious event, firefly, panic attack, dream ...

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#15. Peaceful Warrior (2006)

Storyline: Dan Millman has it all: good grades, a shot at the Olympic team on the rings and girls lining up for the handsome Berkely college athlete all teams mates look up to with envy. Only one man shakes his confidence, an anonymous night gas station attendant, who like Socrates, keeps questioning every assumption in his life. Then a traffic crash shatters Dan's legs, and his bright future. Now Socrates's life coaching is to make or break Dan's revised ambition.

Plot Keywords: comeback, gun, garage, frisbee, friend, friendship, food ...

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