Highest-Rated Movies about 'Indian Attack'

Winchester '73 (1950), Westward the Women (1951), Hostiles (2017), McLintock! (1963), Union Pacific (1939), Call Her Savage (1932), Seven Ways From Sundown (1960), Rocky Mountain (1950) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Indian Attack movies.

#16. Chuka (1967)

Storyline: While Indians besiege a U.S. Army fort in 1876, residents of the fort, a gunfighter, a stagecoach driver, two Mexican women, and a motley company of soldiers, try to come to terms with their pasts.

Plot Keywords: indian attack ...

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#17. Texas Across the River (1966)

Storyline: The Louisiana wedding of debutante Phoebe Ann Naylor to Don Andrea de Baldasar, El Duce de la Casala is stopped by the Cavalry over a matter of honor. Don Andrea flees across the river to Texas, where he meets up with Sam Hollis and his Indian sidekick, Kronk, who are carrying rifles to the town of Moccasin Flats. Don Andrea rescues an Indian maiden, Lonetta, tames some longhorns, competes with Sam for Phoebe's affections, eludes a Comanche war party and the cavalry (who have come to Moccasin Flats to celebrate Texas' statehood) and ultimately saves the town and gets his girl.—Robin Richmond

Plot Keywords: texas, slapstick comedy, comanche indian, duel, u.s. cavalry, wild west, indian war ...

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#18. Kit Carson (1940)

Storyline: Trapper Kit Carson and his band of men join John C. Fremont on his way to California. Enroute they are subjected to Indian attacks that are propagated by the Mexican Government, that does not want the contingency to reach California. Once in California, Fremont and Carson initiate a campaign to free the state from Mexican control.—Buxx Banner <buxx572@aol.com>

Plot Keywords: flintlock pistol, flintlock rifle, epic battle, historical event, self sacrifice, romantic rivalry, military officer ...

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#19. Cavalry (1936)

Storyline: Just after the Civil War, Captain Thorn is sent west to help protect the new telegraph line that is under construction. Leeds is out to establish an independent nation in the west and tries stop its construction and also incoming wagon trains by inciting the Indians to attack both of them.—Maurice VanAuken <mvanauken@a1access.net>

Plot Keywords: arson, general, henchman, opening action scene, cavalry charge, year 1865, kentucky ...

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#20. Circus World (1964)

Storyline: In the early years of the 20th century, Matt Masters takes his rambling Wild West Show to Europe. His decision is prompted by his desire to find Lili Alfredo, who disappeared fourteen years earlier following the death of her husband, The Flying Alfredo. At the time it was believed that Alfredo dived to his death deliberately when he realized his wife loved Matt and not him. Toni, a beautiful trapeze performer, raised by Matt is actually Lili's daughter, and she is in love with Steve McCabe, one of the stars on Matt's show. Doing their first show in Barcelona, aboard a ship, the ship keels over and Matt loses his show. Now broke, he leaves for Paris with Toni, Steve and his long-time friend, Cap Carson, to seek a job with Colonel Purdy's Wild West Show. But a year later, Matt has rebuilt his own show. First to be signed is a remarkable 12-year-old wire-walker named Giovana, and her guardian, Tojo the Clown, whose real named is Aldo Alfredo, formerly of the Flying Alfredos. Continuing his search for Lili, Matt's show plays Brussels, Vienna, Prague, Copenhagen, Rome, Milan, and finally Madrid, where Lili is part of the audience.—Les Adams <longhorn1939@suddenlink.net>

Plot Keywords: circus, austria, belgium, brussels belgium, cigarette smoking, finland, france ...

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#21. A Ticket to Tomahawk (1950)

Storyline: In 1876, Dawson wants to prevent a train from getting to Tomahawk, Colorado on time, to keep it from competing with his stagecoach line. Kit, who must get the train to its goal, forces Johnny aboard as the needed passenger. Madame Adelaide's showgirls (including Marilyn as Clara) ride along and, en route to Tomahawk, join Johnny in "Oh, What a Forward Young Man You Are".—Ed Stephan <stephan@cc.wwu.edu>

Plot Keywords: railway, train engineer, train conductor, grandfather, fireworks, knocked unconscious, dynamite ...

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#22. Winds of the Wasteland (1936)

Storyline: The Pony Express days are coming to an end, with riders John Blair (John Wayne) and his friend Larry Adams (Lane Chandler), both about 75 pounds too heavy for the original job description, out of a job. They pay Cal Drake (Douglas Cosgrove) of Buchanan City a big price for the Crescent City line and equipment, and arrive there to find it is a ghost mining town and has only two residents: eccentric, self-proclaimed Mayor "Rocky" O'Brien (Lew Kelly) and Dr. William Forsythe (Sam Flint). With the arrival from back east of Barbara Forsythe (Phyllis Fraser), the doctor's daughter and Ginger Rogers lookalike, O'Brien happily changes the blackboard population sign from two to five. John determines to get even and operate the line anyway, after vacating a resident skunk from the stagecoach. On his first run into Buchanan City John learns of a coach race to be staged (fastest team to win a $25,000 government mail contract) and he signs up. A telegraph crew, drinking unknowingly of a poisoned well, are saved by John's timely arrival on the scene,and agree to run their line through Crescent City if John can get laborers.He takes them from Buchanan City, leaving it nearly deserted and O'Brien wearing out his chalk changing the population sign upwardly in Crescent City.Drake decides to get rid of John by hiring him, for $1,000, to drive a gold shipment to Sacramento, and ambushing him. John evades the ambush by taking another route and returns to collect his thousand dollars at gunpoint. As the race for the mail contract starts, Drake and his henchmen throw many obstacles in John's way.—Les Adams <longhorn1939@suddenlink.net>

Plot Keywords: reprisal, violence, vindication, grindhouse film, father daughter relationship, cowboys and indians, cowboys and outlaws ...

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#23. Fort Bowie (1958)

Storyline: Fort Bowie commander Colonel Garrett, suspecting that his wife Alison is having an affair with good-looking Captain Thompson, sends him on a dangerous mission to try to persuade renegade Indian leader Victorio to cease his attacks against white settlers and soldiers.—Doug Sederberg <vornoff@sonic.net>

Plot Keywords: laundry, covered wagon, kiss, canteen, murder, white flag, u.s. cavalry ...

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#24. Arrow in the Dust (1954)

Storyline: Army deserter Bart Laish decides that the best way for him to get away is to join a wagon train headed for Oregon. They're about a week ahead of him and on the trail Bart comes across an old friend, Major Andy Pepperis who is dying from wounds received in an Indian attack. He warns Bart that the Indians will next attack the wagon train and afterward finds the army station, Camp Taylor, destroyed. He assumes Pepperis' identity and catches up to the wagon train taking command of the soldiers escorting it. He proves to be a capable leader and quickly gains everyone's respect. As they get closer to their destination, Bart is closer to being caught and has to decide if and when he will leave them.—garykmcd

Plot Keywords: based on novel, covered wagon, fortress, male female relationship, u.s. cavalry, kiss, cavalry charge ...

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#25. Thunder in the Sun (1959)

Storyline: In 1847, a group of fifty-two French Basques, including women and children, sets-out from Independence, Missouri to California. These settlers left Europe behind to escape the famine, unrest and aftermaths of the Napoleonic Wars. They bring with them their few belongings, customs and a few grapevines they hope to plant into the fertile Californian soil. They learn English on-the-fly from the younger men who speak it a little. In Independence, they purchase wagons, mules and provisions. They also hire a local trail master for a fee. The trail master, Lon Bennett, is skilled but he likes women and booze too much. When Lon Bennett learns that his Basques only have seven wagons he argues they should join a major wagon train of 20-30 wagons. Strength in numbers, no doubt, but large wagon trains could take weeks to assemble and the Basques cannot wait. Bennett tries to bail-out of his commitment but he already had spent the fee the Basques paid him by partying in the local hotel-saloon with women and friends. Having no choice, Bennett assembles the small wagon train. He is amazed at the Basques' particular customs, traditions, superstitions and morality. He tries to change some of their traditional habits arguing that in the Wild West safety is more important than customs and traditions. But the Basques are a proud and stubborn people and refuse to change their ways. As the wagon train heads West, Bennett becomes obsessed with Gabrielle Dauphin, the beautiful wife of the Basque leader. He repeatedly forces his attentions on her but she rejects him every time. Due to an unfortunate accident Gabrielle's husband is killed and many Basques want to return to Independence. Gabrielle Dauphin convinces them to continue toward California. The brother of her deceased husband becomes her protector and presumptive future husband, according to their customs. When the wagon train hits a desert, the scout advises the group to ration water and abandon their furniture and other useless belongings. Horses start to die of heat and thirst. A known water well in their path is dry. The scout advises to continue through the desert but Gabrielle wants to head toward the mountains, where water surely flows. Bennett is against this plan since the mountains are inhabited by Indians. However, the Basques decide to listen to Gabrielle and they all agree to head toward the mountains but not before Bennett and Gabrielle's new fiance, Pepe, have a fistfight among the sand dunes. The two men fight over Gabrielle. Bennett wins the fight but the Basques disarm him to make sure he's under control. In the mountains, they finally find water but they are spotted by Indians. Bennett is convinced the Indians will attack their wagon train during an ambush. Therefore, Bennett and the Basques come up with a daring plan. While the wagon train, loaded with the women, children and the elderly, continues its journey through the mountain pass, the men will execute a surprise attack against the unsuspecting Indians. They hope to distract the Indians' attention from the passing wagons. The Basques are fierce mountain fighters but the Indians outnumber them. Nevertheless, these settlers must fight for their dreams of California.—nufs68

Plot Keywords: smoke signal, dance, womanizer, ambush, fistfight, thirst, prairie ...

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#26. Pawnee (1957)

Storyline: Pale Arrow is a white man raised since a boy by the Pawnee Chief. With wagon trains now encroaching on Pawnee land, the Chief sends Pale Arrow to be with the white people. Now known as Paul Fletcher, he takes the job of wagon train scout. The Chief wants peace but when he dies, Crazy Fox takes over and now leads the Pawnees in an attack against that wagon train.—Maurice VanAuken <mvanauken@a1access.net>

Plot Keywords: wagon train, indian chief, teepee, adoptive father adopted son relationship, interracial romance, native american, american indian ...

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#27. The Fastest Guitar Alive (1967)

Storyline: The South is losing the Civil War and the coffers are nearly empty. A group of Confederate spies steals a shipment of gold in San Francisco and attempts to deliver it to a Confederate general in El Paso. Others know about the gold and seek to steal it from them, but the spies have a secret weapon: a guitar that shoots bullets....—George S. Davis

Plot Keywords: american indian, gunfire, indian attack, dancing, sister, dancehall girl, confederate soldier ...

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