Two years after the life-altering events in Grease (1978), Sandy's cousin Michael, a straight-laced English student, is the new guy at Rydell High. Stephanie, the Pink Ladies' foxy blonde leader, is about to break up with Johnny, the T-Birds' leader, but she still likes her men dangerous, even as Michael starts to attract her attention. Now Michael needs to up his game: learn how to ride a motorcycle and transform himself into Stephanie's hot leather-clad fantasy. Is he up to the task?
diner, year 1961, school bus, dance number, cigarette smoking, cheerleader, teen romance, englishman abroad, break up, classroom, cousin cousin relationship, ex boyfriend ex girlfriend relationship, public address system, teacher, high school student, black leather jacket, briton abroad, teenage girl, teenage boy, number in title
Unlike Grease's "cool" Rizzo (Stockard Channing), Stephanie doesn't have to be mean to anyone who doesn't fit into her Pink Lady standard. She's just cool, period.
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