Walter Lee Younger is a young man struggling with his station in life. Sharing a tiny apartment with his wife, son, sister and mother, he seems like an imprisoned man. Until, that is, the family gets an unexpected financial windfall...—Greg Bruno
african american, poverty, chicago illinois, based on play, dysfunctional family, segregation, gay slur, atheism, inheritance, racial prejudice, racial segregation, family relationships, racial discrimination, racial tension, racism, urban setting, housewife, mother son relationship, husband wife relationship, brother sister relationship
It does have enough gritty insights and (for the time) strikingly accurate production details to keep the level of interest up.
1. Amazon Video : Rent from $1.99, Or $0.00 with a Prime membership
2. Apple iTunes : Track Price: 12.99, Track Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Price: 39.99, Track Hd Price: 12.99, Track Hd Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Hd Price: 39.99
3. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 13.99, Rent: 2.99] [HDX - Buy: 13.99, Rent: 3.99]