The Man Behind the Gun (1953)

The Man Behind the Gun (1953)

  • 6.0
  • 82 mins
  • Western


Posing as a schoolteacher, undercover government agent Ransome Callicut arrives in 1850's California to gather intelligence about an insurrectionist plot to have the southern part of the state secede to become a slave state. When he discovers a hidden cache of weapons, he reveals his true identity and assumes command of the local army post. Aided by sidekicks Monk Walker and Olaf Swenson he battles political assassination and other intrigues to unmask the ringleader of the plot and keep the Golden State in the Union.—Gabe Taverney (

Short Review

1953! RANDOLPH SCOTT!!! PHILIP ('Granny Goose'/Kappa Sigma)CAREY!! Scott as a schoolteacher, gunslinger, undercover Union Army agent/officer. vs evil CONFEDERATE/slaveholder sympathizers. All in SAN PEDRO, SANTA MONICA area. That's why i gave it 5 stars. Plus see the youtube clip Blazing Saddles + "YOU'D DO IT FOR RANDOLPH SCOTT!"OH, and some very young man playing Scott's ally, JUAQUIN MURRIETA.Oh, and ALAN HALE, bigger, younger, stronger than as the Captain on GILLIGAN'S ISLAND.Never saw it before on the GRIT network Channel 30.3 in SoCal, 3.2021,
