Highest-Rated Movies about 'Private', Sort by Popularity

Hacksaw Ridge (2016), No Time for Sergeants (1958), Restrepo (2010), King and Country (1964), Patrick (2013), Southern Comfort (1981), The Big Red One (1980), Three Kings (1999) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Private movies.

#17. The Square Peg (1958)

Storyline: Norman and Mr Grimsdale are council workmen mending the road outside an Army base when they come into conflict with the military. Shortly afterwards, they get drafted and fall into the clutches of the Sergeant they have just bested. They are sent to France to repair roads in front of the Allied advance but get captured. Norman takes advantage of a useful similarity to impersonate General Schreiber and manages to return a hero.—Steve Crook <steve@brainstorm.co.uk>

Plot Keywords: road worker, colonel, sergeant, private, british soldier, resistance leader, amusing ...

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#18. The Lucky Ones (2008)

Storyline: The story revolves around three soldiers - Colee, TK and Cheever - who return from the war after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S., with Colee on a mission to bring her boyfriend's guitar back to his family because he saved her life, TK seeking confidence to face his wife after a shrapnel injury that threatens his sexual function and middle-aged Cheever planning to hit the casinos in a desperate effort to pay for his son's college tuition.

Plot Keywords: soldier, private, sergeant, friend, mother, father, profound ...

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#19. Soldier Blue (1970)

Storyline: After a cavalry group is massacred by the Cheyenne, only two survivors remain: Honus, a naive private devoted to his duty, and Cresta, a young woman who had lived with the Cheyenne two years and whose sympathies lie more with them than with the US government. Together, they must try to reach the cavalry's main base camp. As they travel onward, Honus is torn between his growing affection for Cresta, and his disgust for her anti-American beliefs. They reach the cavalry campsite on the eve of an attack on a Cheyenne village, where Honus will learn which side has really been telling him the truth.—Jean-Marc Rocher <rocher@fiberbit.net>

Plot Keywords: private, fiancée, indian, brutal, uneasy, disturbing, indian territory ...

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#20. Black '47 (2018)

Storyline: Set in Ireland during the Great Famine, the drama follows an Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, as he abandons his post to reunite with his family. Despite experiencing the horrors of war, he is shocked by the famine's destruction of his homeland and the brutalization of his people and his family.—BritishFilms1

Plot Keywords: british soldier, landowner, translator, private, family member, gripping, suspenseful ...

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#22. Wake Island (1942)

Storyline: In November 1941, Major Caton takes command of the small Marine garrison on Wake Island. His tendency toward spit and polish upsets the men's tropical lassitude, but Pearl Harbor changes everything. Soon the island is attacked and the Marines pull together day by day; but how long can they hold out?—Rod Crawford <puffinus@u.washington.edu>

Plot Keywords: marine, major, lieutenant, captain, private, enemy, intense ...

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#23. Jungle Fighters (1961)

Storyline: A troop of British soldiers are out in the jungle to record jungle noises and troop noises in the jungle so that the recordings can be played back by other troops to divert the enemy to their whereabouts. As they progress to what they think is closer to the base camp they find themselves farther and farther from radio range until the only channel they can get clearly is that of a Japanese broadcast. They now realize they are probably only 10 to 15 miles from a Japanese camp! The tension is added to by rowdy and openly admitted "non-hero" Private Bamforth who has nothing good to say about anyone and especially Corporal Johnstone (who holds an equal dislike for Bamforth). When a Japanese soldier is taken as their prisoner, the true colors of each man comes to the surface ...—McGinty <McGinty@aol.com>

Plot Keywords: sergeant, prisoner of war, corporal, private, soldier, tense, emotional ...

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#24. Too Late the Hero (1970)

Storyline: A World War II movie set on a Pacific island. Japanese and Allied forces occupy different parts of the island. When a group of British soldiers are sent on a mission behind enemy lines, things don't go exactly to plan. This movie differs in that some of the "heros" are very reluctant, but they come good when they are pursued by the Japanese, who are determined to prevent them returning to base.—Rob Hartill

Plot Keywords: interpreter, soldier, lieutenant, commanding officer, private, tense, gripping ...

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#25. The Thin Red Line (1964)

Storyline: Dark tale of one man's determination to survive his tour of duty. Separated from his new wife after only eight days of marriage, private Doll suddenly decides that he will no longer blindly follow the orders of his superiors, following his own mind instead. What follows are a series of poorly planned attacks, in which Doll saves the day, time after time; eventually leading to the taking of the Elephant in the battle of Guadalcanal during World War II. Sgt. Welsh, Doll's immediate line officer grows an affinity for Doll, helping him through his first Kill, but never quite allowing himself to admit his admiration for the young soldier. The final scene of the movie brings home the true horror of war and the meaninglessness of it all.—Tophee

Plot Keywords: private, sergeant, soldier, enemy, wife, captain, striking ...

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#26. Operation Mad Ball (1957)

Storyline: Private Hogan must raise his ability to scheme and plot to a new level to put on a madcap dance to celebrate the closing of an Army surgical hospital in post WWII France while evading the stickler-for-details Captain Lock - and win the heart to the beautiful nurse Lieutenant Betty Bixby.—Rick Munoz <munozrd@mymail.com>

Plot Keywords: private, nurse, captain, corporal, sergeant, colonel, hilarious ...

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#27. Eight Iron Men (1952)

Storyline: Stanley Kramer's WW-II character study has Lee Marvin as the Sergeant of a small squad laid over during fighting in Italy. During the otherwise boring time between battles, tensions arise as they are ordered not to rescue a squad mate pinned down by the enemy, for fear of risking more lives. Based on the stage play "A Sound of Hunting", by Harry Brown.—CineTiger

Plot Keywords: soldier, private, sergeant, enemy, sniper, brash, confident ...

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#29. On the Double (1961)

Storyline: American GI Ernie Williams (Danny Kaye), admittedly weak-kneed, has an uncanny resemblance to British Colonel MacKenzie (Danny Kaye). Williams, also a master of imitation and disguise, is asked to impersonate the Colonel, ostensibly to allow the Colonel to make a secret trip East. What Williams is not told is that the Colonel has recently been a target of assassins. After the Colonel's plane goes down, the plan changes and Williams maintains the disguise to confuse the Nazis about D-Day.—Jerry Milani <jmilani@ix.netcom.com>

Plot Keywords: private, lady, wife, valet, colonel, captain, general ...

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#30. The Sergeant (1968)

Storyline: THE SERGEANT is the story of the dark inner struggle of Master Sergeant Albert Callan to overcome the overwhelming attraction he feels for one of his charges. In the staid and stifling environment of a post-World War II army post in France, Callan's deeply repressed attraction to other men surfaces when he encounters handsome Private Swanson. Maintaining the rugged "man's man" image of a war hero, Callan barks orders to his underlings. Later, lonely in his solitude, he recalls the frightening experiences of war and the events that led to this crossroads. Filled with self-loathing and unable to act on the natural attraction he feels for Swanson, Callan's affection festers into antagonism. He pushes Swanson constantly with verbal assaults and undeserved punishments. Oblivious to Callan's attraction to him, Swanson comes finally to feel enmity for his Master Sergeant.—Mark Fleetwood <mfleetwo@mail.coin.missouri.edu>

Plot Keywords: sergeant, private, military officer, girlfriend, frenchwoman, brooding, emotional ...

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