Highest-Rated Movies about 'Donald Rumsfeld', Sort by Popularity
No End in Sight (2007), Control Room (2004), Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), The Unknown Known (2013) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Donald Rumsfeld movies.
No End in Sight (2007), Control Room (2004), Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), The Unknown Known (2013) ... Let's take a look at the ranked list of the best Donald Rumsfeld movies.
Storyline: This documentary film takes a critical look at the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the war that followed. The film includes extensive interviews with various military and government officials, many of whom worked under President George W. Bush during the beginning of the Iraq war. Filmmaker Charles Ferguson uses these first-hand accounts to suggest that the Bush administration, as well as the provisional government they instated in Iraq, have made crucial, irresponsible errors.
Plot Keywords: george w. bush, donald rumsfeld, politician, dick cheney, soldier, fascinating, uneasy ...
Movie Details Click Here!Storyline: A chronicle which provides a rare window into the international perception of the Iraq War, courtesy of Al Jazeera, the Arab world's most popular news outlet. Roundly criticized by Cabinet members and Pentagon officials for reporting with a pro-Iraqi bias, and strongly condemned for frequently airing civilian causalities as well as footage of American POWs, the station has revealed (and continues to show the world) everything about the Iraq War that the Bush administration did not want it to see.—Sujit R. Varma
Plot Keywords: journalist, soldier, arab, donald rumsfeld, reporter, military official, engaging ...
Movie Details Click Here!Storyline: Following up on 'Bowling for Columbine', film-maker Michael Moore provides deep and though-provoking insights on the American security system, the level of paranoia, fear, uncertainty, false values and patriotism, which all combined together to set a stage for George W. Bush to launch a war on Iraq instead of focusing on getting the real culprit(s) behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This documentary also focuses on how some Saudis were safely and secretly flown out of America while planes were ostensibly grounded after the attacks. Archived film footage, candid interviews with politicians, and an overall waste of public funds for a war that was initiated on false pretension to wit: a weapon of mass distraction - to take the focus away from the real enemy and get Americans glued to their TV sets to watch innocent Iraqis and Afghans getting killed. And a war that would eventually alienate the U.S.A. and it's citizens from almost every country on Earth.—rAjOo (gunwanti@hotmail.com)
Plot Keywords: president, donald rumsfeld, michael moore, soldier, terrorist, fascinating, gripping ...
Movie Details Click Here!Storyline: Former United States Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, discusses his career in Washington D.C. from his days as a congressman in the early 1960s to planning the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Plot Keywords: donald rumsfeld, politician, engaging, united states, the unknown, life, career ...
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