Moon (2009)
Astronaut Sam Bell has a quintessentially personal encounter toward the end of his three-year stint on the Moon, where he, working alongside his computer, GERTY, sends back to Earth parcels of a resource that has helped diminish our planet's power problems.
Arrival (2016)
A linguist works with the military to communicate with alien lifeforms after twelve mysterious spacecraft appear around the world.
The Big Sleep (1946)
Private detective Philip Marlowe is hired by a rich family. Before the complex case is over, he's seen murder, blackmail, and what might be love.
The Bourne Identity (2002)
A man is picked up by a fishing boat, bullet-riddled and suffering from amnesia, before racing to elude assassins and attempting to regain his memory.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
It's Harry's (Daniel Radcliffe's) third year at Hogwarts; not only does he have a new "Defense Against the Dark Arts" teacher, Professor Lupin (David Thewlis), but there is also trouble brewing. Convicted murderer Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) has escaped the Wizards' Prison and is coming after Harry.
Charade (1963)
Romance and suspense ensue in Paris as a woman is pursued by several men who want a fortune her murdered husband had stolen. Whom can she trust?
Night and the City (1950)
A small-time grifter and nightclub tout takes advantage of some fortuitous circumstances and tries to become a big-time player as a wrestling promoter.
Talk to Her (2002)
Two men share an odd friendship while they care for two women who are both in deep comas.
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesiac, she and a perky Hollywood-hopeful search for clues and answers across Los Angeles in a twisting venture beyond dreams and reality.
Stray Dog (1949)
During a sweltering summer, a rookie homicide detective tries to track down his stolen Colt pistol.