Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Columbus, Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock move to the American heartland as they face off against evolved zombies, fellow survivors, and the growing pains of the snarky makeshift family.


Hostel Part III (2011)

Terror and torture await four friends when they attend a bachelor party in Las Vegas.


It (1990)

In 1960, seven preteen outcasts fight an evil demon that poses as a child-killing clown. Thirty years later, they reunite to stop the demon once and for all when it returns to their hometown.


Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)

Aboard a British train, mysterious fortune teller Dr. Schreck uses tarot cards to read the futures of five fellow passengers.


The Tingler (1959)

An obsessed pathologist discovers and captures a parasitic creature that grows when fear grips its host.


In the Deep (2017)

A wounded military veteran returns home to face the war within his own dysfunctional family, as he tries to piece together the reasons behind his sister's mysterious death.


ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)

An Iranian college student (Janette Armand) and a gay businessman (Doug Fahl) join a band of townspeople to fight deadly walking corpses.


The Comedy of Terrors (1964)

Dishonest undertaker Waldo Trumbull and his sidekick Felix Gillie are creating their own customers when they cannot find willing ones.


Sometimes They Come Back (1991)

Teens from hell seek belated revenge on a high-school teacher (Tim Matheson) with a wife (Brooke Adams) and son.


Mr. Sardonicus (1961)

A mysterious and cruel Baron, whose face has become frozen in a horrifying grin, demands that a prominent London physician apply experimental treatments on him to restore his face.
