Batman (1989)
The Dark Knight of Gotham City begins his war on crime with his first major enemy being the clownishly homicidal Joker.
Frozen (2013)
When the newly crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
With their warning about Lord Voldemort's (Ralph Fiennes') return scoffed at, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Dumbledore (Sir Michael Gambon) are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.
Ice Age (2002)
Set during the Ice Age, a sabertooth tiger, a sloth, and a wooly mammoth find a lost human infant, and they try to return him to his tribe.

The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
After being tricked and cast out of Bagdad by the evil Jaffar, King Ahmad joins forces with a thief named Abu to reclaim his throne, the city, and the Princess he loves.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever.
A Dog's Journey (2019)
A dog finds the meaning of his own existence through the lives of the humans he meets.
Heidi (2015)
A story of a young girl who lives in the Swiss Alps with her goat herding Grandfather.
The Mark of Zorro (1940)
A young Spanish aristocrat must masquerade as a fop in order to maintain his secret identity of Zorro as he restores justice to early California.