Bigger Fatter Liar (2017)

Bigger Fatter Liar (2017)

  • 4.0
  • 88 mins
  • Family, Adventure, Comedy


Kevin Shepard is a tech-savvy young genius who uses his intelligence to slack off. When greedy video game executive Larry Wolf gets a hold of his ideas for a video game, he and his best friend, Becca, set off for San Francisco to make Larry's life miserable through a series of pranks.—simplyfiym

Short Review

The forced jokes, the fact that the main character (Kevin) doesn't seem to care for what his illegal actions cause, make this remake that much cringe worthy.Unlike the original version of the film, this movie doesn't set the bar high up, and we can all agree with the old woman that delivers the one line near the end of the movie "YOU SUCK".
