PARALLELS is a science-fiction adventure series that follows the story of a small band of people traveling across parallel earths. The group is led by an estranged brother and sister, Ronan and Beatrix Carver, who are looking for their father. What they discover is that their family is shattered across multiple earths. The question is: can they put their family back together again?
shot, post apocalypse, office building, overhead camera shot, returning home, cityscape, death of mother, nuclear bomb, cliffhanger, mob of reporters, elevator, abduction, knocked out
Okay, this was a great idea for parallel worlds travel. The only thing I didn't like was that the story was left hanging, I was trying to figure it out with my imagination but I couldn't fill in the details. It felt like it missed a few clips. I did enjoy it because I'm a sci-fi fan and how they mention the other earths. I wish we could see a sequel soon.
1. Apple iTunes : Track Price: 9.99, Track Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Price: 9.99, Track Hd Price: 9.99, Track Hd Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Hd Price: 9.99
2. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 9.99, Rent: 3.99] [HDX - Buy: 9.99, Rent: 3.99]
3. Microsoft Store : Rent From $2.99
4. Amazon Video : From $3.99 to rent