The LEGO Movie is a 3D animated film which follows lead character, Emmet a completely ordinary LEGO mini-figure who is identified as the most "extraordinary person" and the key to saving the Lego universe. Emmet and his friends go on an epic journey to stop the evil tyrant, Lord Business.
based on toy, construction worker, computer animation, evil businessman, part live action, pirate, father son relationship, unlikely hero, saloon, motorcycle, wizard, no title at beginning, fictional war, cgi animation, crossover, blockbuster, musical number, batman character, unicorn, anthropomorphism
The movie is a wonderful surprise, cleverly written and executed brick by brick with a visual panache.
1. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 14.99, Rent: 3.99] [HDX - Buy: 14.99, Rent: 3.99] [UHD - Buy: 14.99, Rent: 3.99]
2. Microsoft Store : Rent From $3.99
3. Amazon Video : From $3.99 to rent