Paris or Perish (2013)

Paris or Perish (2013)

  • 5.7
  • 95 mins
  • Comedy


Maya Ben Latif has the life that most women dream of: she is pretty, smart, wealthy, and she has a great job. But one night, when a problem with her gets involved, she is, therefore, deported back to her native country, Morocco. She desperately tries to find a way back, but Maya is forced take part among her family, which she avoided for many years. This life-changing event, has transformed Maya into a better person and this movie is quite touching.

Short Review

If you want to believe that the exploited illegal immigrants dress in Chanel and that they lead their lives in ivory castles in the fashionable nightclubs, this "film" full of racist cliches on the Moroccans is made for you then.
