Based on a Japanese folk legend that echoes the tale of Robin Hood, this ninja thriller follows the exploits of Goemon Ishikawa (Yôsuke Eguchi), who leaves his fighting clan after its chief is murdered and uses his skills as a thief to help the poor. But after learning the identity of his leader's killer - the traitorous Hideyoshi (Eiji Okuda) - Goemon sets out on a bloody path of vengeance, joined by his loyal friend, Saizo (Takao Ôsawa).—Anonymous
character name as title, martial arts, brawling, katana sword, ninjitsu, sword fight, death, forename as title, one word title
In just 2 hours an amazing tale is told and a journey begins and ends. Even though the CGI from the first part of the movie is not the best, by the second part that is a no issue. Still, what matters is the plot and character development. If it had a longer runtime it would be even better, but this is not a hollywood movie so credit were credit is due.
1. Amazon Video : Rent from $1.99, Or $0.00 with a Prime membership