Keeping Up With the Steins (2006)

Keeping Up With the Steins (2006)

  • 5.3
  • 90 mins
  • Comedy


In toney Brentwood, Benjamin Fiedler prepares for his bar mitzvah; trouble is, he understands neither its meaning nor the Hebrew, and his parents (particularly his successful-agent father) are planning the most lavish party possible. Benjamin wants his dad to give him some space, so he gets an idea: to invite his grandfather, who left the family years ago and for whom Benjamin's dad has an intense dislike, to come two weeks early. Thanks in part to grandpa - and to the immediate family's love - Benjamin may have a shot at figuring out what it means to be a man.—

Short Review

Keeping Up With the Steins isn't a bad film -- it just devolves into the limp sort of schmaltzy conclusion you keep hoping it will avoid.
