Julian (Austin Pendleton), a ruthless Chicago crime boss, finds himself in hot water after his mistress is brutally murdered. When Manning (Lance Reddick) -- a dirty cop with a large gambling debt to Julian -- is put on the case, he must choose between his own well-being and bringing Julian to justice. However, the case is further complicated when Kylie Sullivan (Karin Anglin), the wife of corrupt politician Frank Sullivan (Michael McGlone), also turns up dead, in identical circumstances.
police officer, district attorney, crime boss, businessman, wife, prostitute, gritty, intense, chicago, street, apartment, murder, moral dilemma, corruption, drug trade, debt, organized crime, discovery, transformation, 2000s
Wednesday, December 7, 2011(2006) Bad CityDRAMA Made in the same tradition as "Crash", "Babel" and "Crossing Over" to name a few involving multiple characters interwining with one another and quite well made in terms of it's dialogue, despite the movie being low budget! Movie starts with a bad cop, Manning, an African American police officer who has gambling debts with some very bad people, particularily an oldie name Julien, and then more characters come out on the forefront, such as the illegal immigrant maid and Frank whose trying to get land himself a better gig. All the situtations are credible and quite subtle, and with a bunch of non popular actors can at times turn ones movie experience to be more credible to watch! The only downside is that it could've been longer had it had a bigger budget! A warning though like other films similar to this they're no resolutions!3 out of 4
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