Silk (2006)

Silk (2006)

  • 4.0
  • 117 mins
  • Horror, Mystery, Thriller


Aiming to harness the energy found in some supernatural spirits, scientist Hashimoto (Yosuke Eguchi) and colleagues catch the ghost of a young boy. Hashimoto plans to use the energy to fuel an anti-gravity device he's invented. But, in order to tap into the ghost's essence, he must understand the silent words coming from its mouth. The scientists call in police officer Tung (Chen Chang), who can read lips, but, as they learn that the boy was murdered, the experiment goes in a scary direction.

Short Review

Su Chao-Bin does some remarkable things by keeping his little ghost in plain sight; he creates the kind of dead-on spectral chills that all the silly jump-scares in the world can't quite equal.
