The Man (2005)

The Man (2005)

  • 5.6
  • 1h 23min
  • Action, Comedy, Crime
  • 2005-09-09 (USA)


A federal agent turns up dead and a hardcore undercover agent, known as Derrick Vann heads off to try and recover the stolen arms and find the killers. Andy Fiddler is an ordinary family man and a dentist, and is out heading to a conference, when he gets stuck in the same mess. Criminal Kane believes Fiddler is 'The Man' behind it all and offers him a gun. Vann spots him and drags him across town, with him posing as the actual 'Man'.


Streaming Service

1. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 9.99, Rent: 3.99]

2. Microsoft Store : Rent From $2.99

3. Amazon Video : From $2.99 to rent