Renowned adventurer Allan Quatermain leads a team of extraordinary figures with legendary powers to battle the technological terror of a madman known as "The Fantom". This "League" comprises seafarer and inventor Captain Nemo, vampire Mina Harker, an invisible man named Rodney Skinner, American Secret Service Agent Tom Sawyer, the ageless and invincible Dorian Gray, and the dangerous split personality of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
steampunk, burial, funeral, kenya, witch doctor, automobile, bank, betrayal, bomb, capture, carnival, cemetery, chemistry, africa, venice italy, vehicle, blood, murder, shot in the head, skeleton
Sadly, the rot sets in just over the halfway mark when the action loses its identity of fustian heroism and degenerates into another arcade video game of mundane destruction. A pity.
1. Apple iTunes : Track Price: 14.99, Track Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Price: 79.99, Track Hd Price: 14.99, Track Hd Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Hd Price: 79.99
2. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 6.99, Rent: 3.99] [HDX - Buy: 6.99, Rent: 3.99]
3. Amazon Video : From $3.99 to rent, Or available with STARZ on Prime Video Channels