The events of the film unfold over six days and tell about the mysterious journey of a strange man and his two teenage sons who had never seen him before. Vanya and Andrey, for how long they remember, lived with their mother, who once told them that their father was a pilot. But one ordinary Monday, dad appears in their house and takes the brothers on a hike to a small island in the middle of a forest lake.
teenage boy, tragic event, bare chested male, underwear, teenager, ship wreck, rowboat, rain, mugging, one word title, love, coming of age, redemption, underwater scene, swimming, running, drinking, drink, fear, montage
The story, set in contemporary Russia, seems unexceptional at the start. Yet it plays out against a vast wilderness of shorelines and lakes, and turns tantalizing ambiguity into urgent mystery.
1. Amazon Video : From $2.00 to rent, From $9.99 to buy
2. Microsoft Store : Rent From $3.99
3. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 9.99, Rent: 2] [HDX - Buy: 12.99, Rent: 2.99]