A comedy based on the 1987 professional football players' strike. Gene Hackman plays the coach of the team, Jack Warden is the owner, Brett Cullen is the All-Pro quarterback that goes on strike and Keanu Reeves is the "scab" who replaces the star QB.
based on true story, underwater scene, scene during opening credits, football movie, hot dog, spanking, coin toss, pep talk, football practice, hard boiled egg, wishing someone good luck, overturned car, knee injury, hit in the crotch, american football, cigarette smoking, egg, heart, houseboat, cheerleader
1. Apple iTunes : Track Price: 12.99, Track Rental Price: 2.99, Collection Price: 12.99, Track Hd Price: 12.99, Track Hd Rental Price: 2.99, Collection Hd Price: 12.99
2. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 12.99, Rent: 2.99] [HDX - Buy: 12.99, Rent: 2.99]
3. Microsoft Store : Rent From $2.99
4. Amazon Video : From $2.99 to rent