This light-hearted romantic comedy centers tells of love sought, found, lost, and found again, revolving around the lives of two college students in New York City. Sophomore Al Connelly meets the girl of his dreams, freshman Imogen, and true love abounds. The two engage on a whirlwind courtship--they pick a song, eat a cake together, even make love. But Imogen's fear of lost youth causes her to push away from Al, and they go their separate ways. Al attempts to rebound from the relationship, determined to forget Imogen, and he goes to desperate measures to do so. The story is told from the points of view of both Al and Imogen.
group of friends, art gallery, fictional reality show, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, mother son relationship, art student, male female relationship, manhattan new york city, central park manhattan new york city, breakup, premarital sex, chef, painter, love, attempted suicide, depression, college, car crash, kiss, breaking the fourth wall
It's like watching the dreckiest of teen puppy courtships trying to pass itself off as 'Annie Hall.
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2. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 5.99, Rent: 3.99] [HDX - Buy: 7.99, Rent: 3.99]
3. Microsoft Store : Rent From $3.99
4. Amazon Video : From $3.99 to rent, Or $0.00 with a HBO trial on Prime Video Channels