During the times of King Arthur, the story of an adventurous brave girl, named Kayley, whose father, a Knight of the Round Table, is killed by Sir Ruber, a maniacal brute who steals Excalibur and ultimately threatens to seize King Arthur's Camelot. Kayley enlists the blind, reclusive knight-aspirant Garrett and a goofy two headed dragon to brave the Enchanted Forest and retrieve the magic sword. Their adventure is also, of course, fraught with danger.
attack, animal human communication, cane, blurry vision, loss of father, self sacrifice, murder, greed, stone, villain turns good, stick, plant, lake, sword fight, sword duel, covered wagon, loyalty, crying, shot with an arrow, creature
A lightweight but likable fantasy that offers a playfully feminist twist to Arthurian legends.
1. Apple iTunes : Track Price: 12.99, Track Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Price: 12.99, Track Hd Price: 12.99, Track Hd Rental Price: 3.99, Collection Hd Price: 12.99
2. Vudu : [SD - Buy: 12.99, Rent: 3.99] [HDX - Buy: 12.99, Rent: 3.99]
3. Microsoft Store : Rent From $3.99
4. Amazon Video : From $3.99 to rent, Or available with STARZ on Prime Video Channels