Just before the destruction of the planet Krypton, scientist Jor-El sends his infant son Kal-El on a spaceship to Earth. Raised by kindly farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, young Clark discovers the source of his superhuman powers and moves to Metropolis to fight evil. As Superman, he battles the villainous Lex Luthor, while, as novice reporter Clark Kent, he attempts to woo co-worker Lois Lane
superhero, dc comics, year 1978, 1970s, planet, violence, christ allegory, airplane, convertible, fainting, cape, leitmotif, outer space, pantyhose, suntan pantyhose, female stockinged feet, female stockinged legs, camera shot of feet, death of father, super strength
Reeve died in 2004, but his Man of Steel was manlier and steelier than recent portrayals by Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill.
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