Situation Hopeless -- But Not Serious (1965)

Situation Hopeless -- But Not Serious (1965)

  • 6.0
  • 97 mins
  • Comedy


During World War II, two Americans are forced to bail out and parachute into a small German town. Herr Frick, being equal parts patriotic and lonely, keeps them as prisoners of war in his bomb shelter. While his prisoners go stir crazy, Herr Frick must decide if he's willing to lose their companionship by letting them know the war has ended.—Sean Starke

Short Review

<div style="width:280px;"><a href=""><img src="" border="0"/></a><div style="text-align:center;font-size:10px;"><a href="">Situation Hopeless But Not Serious </a> - Sir Alec Guinness</div></div>Here's a forgotten gem. This is a very strange, but satirical WWII comedy.This is Robert Redford's second film. A pair of American pilots are shot down over a German village near the end of WW II. They are captured by a lonely old man, played by Sir Alec Guiness, who holds them prisoner in his Gothic, vaulted wine cellar. The captor likes having the two for company and keeps them in his cellar long after the war is over. However, he conveniently fails to inform them of this. The prisoners remain there for seven years in pretty nice accommodations, but slowly going stir crazy. While they wait, the old man spins them tales of a Utopian Nazi world as he tries to decide whether or not to let them go.It's funny, but also a bit sinister as we wonder if they will ever correctly appraise and resolve their situation.Based on a novel by Robert Shaw, this is one that Kurt Vonnegut or Joseph Heller fans might enjoy.
