Dream Wife (1953)

Dream Wife (1953)

  • 6.1
  • 101 mins
  • Romance


Clemson Reade, a business tycoon with marriage on his mind, and Effie, a U.S. diplomat, are a modern couple. Unfortunately there seems to be too much business and not enough pleasure on the part of Effie. When Clemson meets Tarji, a princess trained in all the arts of pleasing men, he decides he wants an old fashioned girl. Princess Tarji's father is king of oil-rich Bukistan. Because of the oil situation and to maintain good political relations during the courtship between Clemson & Tarji, the State Department assigns a diplomat to maintain protocol until the wedding. Effie!—Debbie Dunlap

Short Review

Found this gem on YouTube movies. The chemistry between Grant and Kerr is timeless.Both spitting out one liners that are hilarious.The plot is is a farce. But, definitely worth your time to see these 2.
