Big Jim McLain (1952)

Big Jim McLain (1952)

  • 5.4
  • 90 mins
  • Drama


U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee investigators Jim McLain and Mal Baxter attempt to break up a ring of Communist Party troublemakers in Hawaii (ignoring somewhat, as do their superiors in the Congress, that membership in the Communist Party was, at the time, legal in the U.S.)—Jim Beaver

Short Review

This movie tells us a fictional version of what was going on in the US back in the 50's. Senator Joe McCarthy was trying his best to beat the communists, and the many infiltrators of Hollywood and congress, the senate and the presidential Cabinet, as well as the unions, media and education fought very successfully against him.This movie tells you how the Communists operated then and now. It was very well done. It is not very well rated but then, you have to really love your country, know what the communists have done and are doing today to really see the value of the movie.I recommend a book called, "None dare call it conspiracy" "The Venona Papers" and "Rules for Radicals" to get a feel for the truth.
