Swiss Miss (1938)

Swiss Miss (1938)

  • 6.7
  • 72 mins
  • Comedy


Stanley and Oliver are mousetrap salesmen hoping to strike it rich in Switzerland, but get swindled out of all their money by a cheesemaker. While working off their hotel debt, Oliver falls in love with a chambermaid, Anna, who in reality is a famous opera singer spying on her composer husband, Victor, while he works on his new opera. The boys are assigned to move Victor's piano to a secluded tree house, but become trapped on a rickety rope bridge high above an Alpine gorge when they're met halfway across by a gorilla.—Paul Penna

Short Review

Definitely worth seeing, but if you're new to the Laurel and Hardy cult and haven't seen it and are thinking of buying it, be advised that, despite their top billing, they are almost guest stars here.


Streaming Service

1. Amazon Video : Rent from $1.99, Or $0.00 with a Prime membership